XL:  Roman numeral for 40. 
Slang for “Excel.”

To go beyond a set limit, to surpass, exceed, or improve upon.

The definition of XL perfectly describes what we are trying to accomplish with K-5th Grade kids.  For 40 Days we want to challeng them to go beyond what they normally do in their daily devotions and to improve their walk with Jesus.

It takes two to have a relationship. You get to know people by talking with them, spending time with them, sharing your thoughts and ideas and listening to their thoughts and ideas.

It is the same with God. To grow in our relationship with God, we must talk with Him, spend time with Him, share our thoughts and ideas with Him, and find out what His thoughts and ideas are. The Bible calls this “coming near to God.”

Spending time with God on a daily basis is not how Satan wants you to spend your time. He knows that if he can keep you away from God’s Word, he can keep you from growing in Christ. The only way that Satan can stop us from getting to know Jesus better is if we let him stop us.

XL is designed to help you grow in your relationship with Christ. Each day you will set aside a time to read your Bible, memorize Scripture, and keep a journal.