Hope of Nations

2 Chronicles 7:14,  “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Last year was a difficult year for our country collectively. As we think about how to regroup and reengage our culture, consider the role of the Church in a healthy nation by meditating on these questions and recording your thoughts in your journal:

  1. How have you seen God removed from issues of state and politics? How have you seen God included in issues of state and politics?
  2. Given the references to God in several of America’s historical documents, what kind of role should the Christian religion play in affairs of the state?
  3. Why has accountability to God and God-talk fallen out of favor in our culture?
  4. Early in America’s history, the national conscience was shaped by a sense of personal accountability to God. If we eliminate God from the national conversation, what else might begin to shape the national conscience? 
  5. In what ways can that be a positive thing? A negative thing?


We must be a nation of conscience led by those who understand that they are accountable not only to the American people but also to their Creator. God has been an integral part of shaping and developing this country. Let’s boldly invite God back into the national conversation and include concepts like accountability, trust, and gratitude in the framework of our conscience.

Take time to pray right now for:  Our national leaders   |   The unity of the Church   |   A revival—individuals turning to Christ

Write that prayer in your journal, and pray it each day.


Encouragement Café Ministries: Clemmons, NC